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Anger Management: Teach Children How to Deal with Their Anger

In order to manage anger, your child must learn to control their emotions. Help your child to understand that anger is natural and healthy, but needs to be expressed in the right way. Use a time when your child is not angry to discuss and practice how to deal with anger.

There are 5 important parts to teaching anger management. They are:

  1. Practice a substitute behavior. Teach your child a new behavior to use when he starts to get angry. The goal is for your child to learn to calm down before the anger gets out of control. Some ideas include counting, counting backwards, picturing a peaceful scene in his mind, or blowing pretend bubbles. Blowing pretend bubbles is a good one to start with because it is easy and encourages your child to take long, slow breaths. Start by blowing real bubbles using a bubble solution and then have him pretend he is blowing bubbles by holding his hand up to his mouth as though it were the bubble wand. Teach your child to do this as soon as he starts to feel frustrated or upset. One of the best things you can do to help your child control his anger is to teach your child ways to relax. Learning a phrase like “relax”, “calm down” phrase that can be repeated under stress can be very helpful. It may help your child to deal with anger by doing things such as exercise, art, or writing.
  2. Reward. Focus on your child’s positive behaviors. With your child, make a list of rewards that he can earn by practicing the behavior every day. Also reward for using the new behavior to avoid feeling frustrated or angry. Rewards are very helpful to help children learn to manage their anger.
  3. Give examples. Read or tell stores to your children about anger to help them understand and get ideas of ways to cope with their feelings. Tell your child about times when you have been angry and stressed, and what you did. Give examples of what your child could do in a similar situation.
  4. Encourage using the new behavior. When your child first starts to get upset, remind him or her to practice the new behavior. The sooner you prompt your child, the easier it will be for him to try it. If you wait until your child loses control, the exercises probably will not help. Only tell your child once.
  5. Be a positive role model. Set a good example and deal with your child in a quiet, calm manner. When you need to discipline your child, use your normal method of discipline (for example, time-outs). Don't argue with your child. Everybody loses when there is an argument.

It is best to teach children how to manage anger before they enter their teenage years. The earlier children learn these skills, the better they will be able to deal with anger in healthy ways.

Written by Edward R. Christophersen, PhD.
Pediatric Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2011-01-28
Last reviewed: 2011-10-06
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