Patient transfer is service that allows patient transfer to KPJ Penang Specialist Hospital due to medical needs. It can be made upon patient request or hospital due to inadequate medical services for specific medical needs
Via referral from doctor
Please bring the referral letter from your doctor together with any information given by your doctor from your previous visits.
* Arrangement to KPJ Penang Specialist Hospital has to be done by the individual or the hospital of transfer.
Through telephone referral
For more information regarding patient transfer, please contact our Customer Service at ext. 1288.
*Arrangement to KPJ Penang Specialist Hospital has to be done by the individual or the hospital of transfer.
KPJ Penang Specialist Hospital has embarked on Ambulance Services effective August 2009. We provide immediate first aid services to patients, transportation to hospital for adults and infant with portable incubator and vertilator facilities and also shuttle patients from hospital to airport and pick up.
Any further information please call our direct line : (6) 04-548 6688 for assistance / booking for ambulance services.