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Blood Donation

What is blood donation?

Blood donation is the procedure for giving some of your blood to a blood bank. The blood is then available to others who may need a blood transfusion. Blood transfusions are often needed for people who are seriously injured or having surgery. Others who have blood disorders, such as blood that does not clot normally, or other medical conditions may also need blood. You may also give blood so you can use your own blood for transfusion if you need it in an upcoming operation. Ask your surgeon about storing your own blood before surgery. This is called autotransfusion.

The American Red Cross and other blood banks have safeguards to make sure that blood is safe to give and to receive. Giving blood is safe for the donor and can be life-saving to the receiver.

Where can I give blood?

You may be able to donate blood at a community blood center or at a bloodmobile. Bloodmobiles travel to places of employment, high schools, colleges, churches, and community organizations.

Who can give blood?

Anyone who is healthy, at least 17 years old, and over 110 pounds may be eligible to give blood. People who are older than 65 and in good health may usually donate with the approval of the blood bank doctor.

How do I prepare for giving blood?

To help ensure that the blood you donate is as healthy as possible and to make sure your body tolerates it well, you should eat a healthy, low-fat diet in the 24 hours before your donation. It’s especially important to drink lots of water, juice, or other noncaffeinated drinks before you donate. This will help keep you from getting lightheaded and dizzy afterwards.

What is the procedure for giving blood?

Before you donate you will answer a questionnaire about your health history and recent travels. All of the information is kept confidential. Your blood pressure, pulse, and temperature will also be measured.

Your finger will be pricked so that a sample of your blood can be typed and tested for anemia and infections such as hepatitis, syphilis, and HIV/AIDS. Other people cannot be given your blood if your answers to the questions or the tests of your blood show that you may be a carrier for these illnesses or other viruses. However, many blood banks allow donors who are at risk for AIDS to give blood that is used for research purposes only. This blood does not become part of the general blood supply for transfusions.

Usually you will be lying down when you give blood. The skin on your arm will be cleaned with an antiseptic and a new, sterile, nonreusable needle will be put in a vein in your arm to withdraw about a pint of blood.

What happens after I give blood?

Most people feel fine during and after blood donation. Once the needle is removed, the puncture site will be covered with a small bandage. Leave the bandage on for several hours. A few people may feel dizzy or faint. Juice and snacks are provided after the blood is drawn to help your body adjust to having less blood. It takes the body less than 24 hours to replenish the lost fluid and 6 weeks to replace red blood cells. You should drink plenty of fluids the first 24 hours after donation and wait 4 to 5 hours before exercising or participating in heavy activities such as weight lifting.

You may have some bruising on your arm where the blood was drawn or a little tenderness at the puncture site.

You will need to wait at least 8 weeks before you can give blood again.

Developed by RelayHealth.
Adult Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2011-08-02
Last reviewed: 2011-05-03
This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
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