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Cerebral Palsy: Resource List

Books for Children

Ages 4 to 8

  • Be Quiet, Marina!; by Kristen Debear; Star Bright Books, 2001
  • Living with Cerebral Palsy; by Susan H. Gray: Child's World, 2003
  • All By Myself; by Ron Taylor; Light on Books, 1991
  • Maggie; by DiAnne Meadows King; illustrations by Lana Copeland; Turner Publishing, 2002
  • Nathan's Wish: A Story About Cerebral Palsy; by Laurie Lears: Whitman, 2005
  • Rolling Along: The Story of Taylor and His Wheelchair; Jamee Heelan; Peachtree, 2000
  • Stretching Ourselves: Kids with Cerebral Palsy; by Alden Carter: Whitman, 2000
  • Taking Cerebral Palsy to School; Mary Elizabeth Anderson JayJo Books, 2000

Ages 9 to 12

  • Cerebral Palsy; by Barbara Sheen; Lucent Books, 2003
  • Golden Daffodils; by Marilyn Gould; Allied Crafts, 1991
  • Going Places: Children Living With Cerebral Palsy; by Thomas Berman; Stevens, 1991
  • From Where I Sit: Making My Way With Cerebral Palsy; Shelley Nixon; Scholastic, 1999
  • Nathan's Wish: A Story About Cerebral Palsy; by Laurie Lears; Albert Whitman & Col, 2005
  • Yes, I Can!: Challenging Cerebral Palsy; by Doris E. Sanford; Multnomah Publishers Inc, 1992

Books for Adults

  • A Parent's Guide to Special Education: Insider Advice on How to Navigate the System and Help Your Child Succeed; by Linda Wilmshurts and Alan Brue; New York, AMACOM, 2005
  • Adapt My World: Homemade Adaptations for People with Disabilities; by J. Rose Plaxen; Seven Locks Press, 2005
  • Build a Happy Family: A Positive Parenting Tool Kit on 'How to Be the Parent You Want to Be When You Just Don't Have the Time'; by Frank Doberman; Can order from Exceptional Parent 800-535-1910
  • Cerebral Palsy: A Complete Guide for Caregiving 2nd ed.; by Freeman Miller, Steven J. Bachrach; Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 2006
  • Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Parents' Guide; by Elaine Geralis; 3rd ed.; Woodbine House, 2003
  • Children With Disabilities, 5th ed.; by Mark L. Batshaw; P.H. Brooks, 2002
  • My Perfect Son Has Cerebral Palsy: A Mother's Guide of Helpful Hints; by Marie Kennedy; Authorhouse, 2001
  • Strengthening Relationships When Our Children Have Special Needs; by Nick Martin; Future Horizons, 2004
  • Teaching Motor Skills To Children With Cerebral Palsy And Similar Movement Disorders: A Guide For Parents And Professionals; by Sieglinde Martin; Woodbine House, 2006
  • Uncommon Voyage: Parenting a Special Needs Child; by Laura Kramer; 2nd ed; Atlantic Books, 2001

Other Resources

Cerebral Palsy (Family Village)
Long list of organizations and informational sites on cerebral palsy.

United Cerebral Palsy Association
1660 L St. NW, Ste. 700
Washington, DC 20036
(800) 872-5827

The Exceptional Parent Magazine

Compiled by Catherine Smith, MLS, medical librarian at the Family Health Library, The Children's Hospital, Denver, CO.
Pediatric Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2008-08-11
Last reviewed: 2010-06-04
This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
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