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Diabetes: Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Starting the day with a healthy breakfast is important to get your metabolism running efficiently. Many people skip breakfast, choosing to just have a cup of coffee. Others make a quick stop at a fast-food restaurant or eat a doughnut at work. Some may not be hungry in the morning and feel more comfortable with saving calories for later meals.

A fast-food breakfast or doughnut is OK once in a while, but having this kind of breakfast often can lead to weight gain. It also adds a lot of unhealthy saturated fat and salt to your diet. Having a healthy breakfast at home can start your day off right.

What healthy breakfast foods can be fixed quickly?

If you don't have a lot of time, try out some of these quick-fix ideas:

Food                              Carb Choices     Meat/Protein
                                                   and Fat Choices
Slices of a half or whole         2 to 3 carb choices
banana and 1 cup of 1% or 
skim milk*

1 cup low-sugar, low-fat,         3 carb choices
flavored yogurt* with 1/4 cup
Grape Nuts cereal mixed in

1 cup high-fiber cereal           2 to 2 and 1/2 carb
(such as Shredded Wheat and          choices
Bran or Bran Flakes) with 
1 cup of 1% or skim milk*

1 breakfast cereal bar            2 carb choices   Fat content varies

Liquid nutrition supplement       1 and 1/2 to     2 protein choices
for diabetics, such as Boost      2 carb choices   and 2 fat choices
Diabetic, Glucerna, Glytrol

No-Sugar-Added Carnation Instant  2 and 1/2 carb
Breakfast shake prepared with      choices
half of a frozen banana or
1 cup of any other frozen fruit,
1 cup of 1% or skim milk,* and 
Instant breakfast mix

2 slices of whole wheat toast     3 and 1/2 carb   1 protein choice
and 1 tablespoon of natural          choices       and 2 fat choices
peanut butter on each slice with
2 teaspoons all-fruit spread
*  Milk and yogurt provide not only carbohydrate, but also protein
without additional calories.

What are some other healthy breakfast ideas?

Here are some suggestions for breakfast that require a little more preparation:

Food                                Carb Choices    Meat/Protein
                                                    and Fat choices
1 to 2 scrambled eggs (use           1 to 2 carb     1 to 2 protein
cooking spray) rolled into a 6        choices         choices
to 12-inch tortilla. Add
chopped tomato, other vegetables,
or salsa, if desired.

English muffin (halved and           3 carb choices  1 protein choice
toasted), sliced tomato on
each half, topped with shredded
low-fat or fat-free mozzarella
cheese (1/4 cup) and basil.
Broil until cheese is melted.
Serve with 1 cup fresh fruit

Two 4-inch pancakes prepared with    3 carb choices  1/2 fat choice
low-fat Bisquick topped with 1/4      with fruit;
cup light syrup or 1 and 1/4 cup     4 carb choices
fresh berries. May add sugar         with syrup
substitute to berries for
additional sweetness

Written by Terri Murphy, RD, LD, CDE.
Adult Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2011-02-13
Last reviewed: 2010-12-08
This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
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