Soiling or encopresis means having a bowel movement (BM) in the underwear. If your child has recurrent soiling, please collect the following information for three bouts of soiling before you call your child's healthcare provider to make an initial or follow-up appointment. This information may be very helpful to your healthcare provider in reaching a correct diagnosis.
Time of day:
Place (home, school, etc.):
People present:
How much? (1 = small smear, 5 = full bowel movement):
Consistency (loose or solid):
Who recognized it (you or your child)?
Activity at time of soiling:
Food eaten before the soiling (within 4 hours):
Was your child upset or angry before the soiling?
Had your child been corrected recently?
Was your child holding back before the soiling?
Did the soiling occur while your child was on the way to the toilet?
Did it occur after he used the toilet?
Did your child use the toilet? If so, what were the results?
What do you think was the cause of the soiling this time?