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Gifted Child: Resource List

Books for Children

Ages 4 to 10

  • The Gifted Kids' Survival Guide for Ages 10 & Under; by Judy Galbraith; Free Spirit Pub, 1998

Books for Adults

  • A Parent's Guide To Gifted Children; by James T. Webb; Great Potential Press, 2007
  • Educating Your Gifted Child; by Vicki Caruana; Crossway Books, 2002
  • Gifted Children: A Guide For Parents And Professionals; edited by Kate Distin; Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2006
  • Grandparents' Guide to Gifted Children; by James Webb; Great Potential Press, 2004
  • Parenting Gifted Kids: Tips For Raising Happy And Successful Children; by Jim R. Delisle; Prufrock Press, 2006
  • Raising Gifted Kids: Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Exceptional Child Thrive; by Barbara Klein, AMACOM, 2006
  • Supporting the Child of Exceptional Ability: At Home and School (2nd ed.); by Susan Leyden; D. Fulton Publishers in association with the National Association for Able Children in Education, 1998
  • Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted Kids: How to Understand, Live With and Stick Up for Your Gifted Child; by Sally Walker and Caryn Pernu; Free Spirit, 2002
  • They Say My Kid's Gifted: Now What?; by Richard F. Olenchak; Prufrock Press, 1998
  • When Gifted Kids Don't Have All the Answers: How to Meet Their Social and Emotional Needs; by Jim Delisle; Free Spirit, 2002

Other Resources

National Association for Gifted Children
1707 L Street, NW Suite 550
Washington, DC 20036
Bus: (202) 785-4268
Fax: (202) 785-4248

Gifted Child Society
190 Rock Road, Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452-1736
(201) 444-6530

Compiled by Catherine Smith, MLS, medical librarian at the Family Health Library, The Children's Hospital, Denver, CO.
Pediatric Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2008-08-11
Last reviewed: 2010-06-04
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