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Grains in the Diet

What are grains?

Grains come from the seeds of plants, or kernels. The kernels are made up of the bran, the germ, and the endosperm. The bran forms the outer layer of the kernel and contains most of the seed's fiber. The germ is the part where a new plant sprouts and is a good source of the B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. The endosperm makes up most of the seed and holds most of the grain's protein and carbohydrate content.

Foods made from grains are an important part of a healthy diet. Grain products are naturally low in fat and come in many different varieties. From breads to cereals and from rice to popcorn, grains provide a nutritious source of carbohydrate.

Are whole grains better than refined grains?

Whole grains are grains that have not been refined (milled). When grains are refined, the bran and the germ are removed. Examples of refined grains are enriched pasta, white rice, and white flour products. Although vitamins and minerals are added after the milling process, refined grains have fewer nutrients than whole grains and do not contain much fiber.

Whole grains are high in fiber. High-fiber diets are recommended to help prevent heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, as well as digestive disease.

For these reasons whole grains are a better choice than refined grains.

How can I tell if a grain is whole or refined?

Look for the words "whole grain" among the first ingredients listed on the food label. Brown wheat bread isn't necessarily whole grain, unless the label says "whole wheat" or "whole grain." Some products are a mixture of whole and refined grains. Most refined grains are enriched, which means that certain B vitamins and iron have been added back after processing. Fiber is not added after processing. Whole grains include:

  • brown rice
  • buckwheat
  • bulgur (cracked wheat)
  • oats or oatmeal
  • popcorn
  • whole-wheat bread, crackers, pasta, tortillas, sandwich buns and rolls
  • whole grain barley and cornmeal
  • whole rye
  • wild rice.

Some other less well-known whole grains are:

  • Amaranth, which is an herb that is used like a grain. It can be cooked as a cereal, ground into flour, or toasted. The seeds can be cooked with other whole grains, added to a stir-fry or to soups and stews.
  • Millet, which is very easy to digest and can be used as a cereal and in casseroles, breads, stews, puddings, or stuffing for vegetables or meat.
  • Quinoa, which is used like rice to make pilaf or other seasoned side dishes.
  • Triticale, which is a cross between wheat and rye and has a nutty flavor.

Foods usually made with refined grains include:

  • cornbread
  • corn tortillas
  • couscous
  • crackers
  • flour tortillas
  • grits
  • noodles
  • pasta (enriched spaghetti and macaroni)
  • pita bread
  • white bread, sandwich buns and rolls
  • white rice
  • white flour.

Some of the refined products listed above are available in whole grain. Look at the ingredient list on the label for the words “whole wheat” or “whole grain.” Ready-to-eat breakfast cereals may be whole-grain or refined grain.

How many grain products should be eaten daily?

Most Americans eat plenty of grains, but not enough whole grains. The amount you need depends on your age, height, gender, and level of activity. An average of 6 one-ounce servings (equivalents) of grain each day is recommended for adults. (Grain equivalents are a portion measurement similar in size to starch portions on the American Diabetes food lists.) At least one-half of the grains you eat should be whole grains. In general, 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of cereal, or a half cup of cooked rice or pasta counts as a 1 ounce serving.

For more information on grain equivalents, see

How can I include more whole grains in my diet?

There are many quick-fix whole-grain products available, such as high-fiber cereals (shredded wheat, bran flakes, and oatmeal), breads, and multigrain muffins. When you cook, substitute whole grains for refined grains. Try brown rice or quinoa instead of white rice, use whole grain barley or wild rice in soups, or use rolled oats instead of refined bread crumbs.

Try to choose grain products that contain 3 or more grams of fiber per serving.

Are grains high calorie?

Grain products are not high calorie except when a lot of fat and sugar have been added, so beware of pastries and dessert breads and muffins. Calories from whole grains are no more likely to cause weight gain than any other food. Weight gain is caused by eating too many calories from any source. Also, the high-fiber content of many whole grains may also help you to feel full with fewer calories.

Written by Terri Murphy, RD, CDE.
Adult Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2011-07-05
Last reviewed: 2011-06-22
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