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Hearing Aids

What are hearing aids?

Hearing aids are electronic devices that make sounds louder for people who cannot hear well. Hearing aids have a microphone to pick up sound, an amplifier to increase the sound, an earpiece to transmit the sound to the ear, and a battery for power. These separate parts are most often packaged together in small hearing aids that fit into the ear.

What are the different types of hearing aids?

There are a number of different types and styles of hearing aids. Be careful to select a hearing aid that meets your specific needs.

  • The microphone, amplifier, and battery of a behind-the-ear hearing aid are in a case worn behind the ear. They are connected to a plastic earmold that fits inside the outer ear. Sound travels through a short tube to the earmold and into the ear.
  • An in-the-ear hearing aid uses an earpiece that contains all of the electronic components and sits inside the outer ear.
  • An in-the-canal hearing aid is similar to an in-the-ear hearing aid but is smaller and sits more deeply in the ear.
  • A completely-in-canal hearing aid is smaller still, out of sight, and deep inside the ear canal.
  • Eyeglass hearing aids have the hearing aid in the eyeglass frames.
  • A body aid has an earpiece connected by a wire to a small case containing a microphone and amplifier. The case is attached to a belt or pocket of your clothing. Body aids are the largest and most powerful type of hearing aid. They are usually used only when other types of aids cannot be used.

Be sure to look at different hearing aids before you make your choice. Don't forget the importance of warranty, maintenance, and repairs. Make sure you have the hand coordination to handle the hearing aid you choose. Hearing aid companies must refund your money if you return the hearing aid within 30 days, so take advantage of this time to be sure that the aid you choose is right for you. The most expensive hearing aid may not be your best choice.

Once you have found a hearing aid that meets your needs, you will soon get used to wearing it and learn to adjust the controls to pick up sound in different situations. Today's hearing aids are able to screen out a lot of background noise. They are small, easy to wear, and can make a great difference in your life.

How can I help my hearing aid to help me?

Even with a hearing aid, there are several strategies you will find helpful to make communication easier.

  • Don't be shy. Tell people you have a hearing problem and politely ask them to face you and speak clearly so that you can hear better. Watch lips and watch body signs. If you don't catch what was said, ask the person to repeat it, or ask, "Did you say....?"
  • In groups or in an audience, try to position yourself where you can see the speaker. Don't be afraid to ask a speaker to speak up or use a microphone.
  • If you are in a crowd and can't hear someone speak because of background noise, suggest you both move to the edge of the crowd where there is less competing noise.

What if my hearing aid seems to be failing?

If your hearing aid seems to stop working, you can check a few things yourself. For example:

  • The battery might be drained.
  • You might have wax or debris blocking the small speaker.

If you are not sure what’s wrong, you will probably need to take it to a store to be checked.

What other hearing assistance devices might I use?

Amplified telephone receivers and amplified headsets for listening to music or watching television can be very helpful. You can also install a flashing light system in your home instead of a ringing telephone or doorbell. Many churches and auditoriums have special headphones installed for people with hearing problems. Take advantage of them.

Developed by Ann Carter, MD, for RelayHealth.
Adult Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2011-02-03
Last reviewed: 2010-08-24
This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
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