Informed consent is a legal procedure that requires you to give permission before you have a medical or surgical procedure. It’s also required before you join a clinical study.
Your healthcare provider will explain everything to you and answer your questions. Then you will be asked to sign a form. The form confirms that you have received the information and that you give permission for the test or treatment. You should feel comfortable taking your time to read the whole document so that you know exactly what you are signing.
What do I need to know?
Before you have a test or treatment, you need to know:
You can choose to not have the test or treatment as long as you understand the risks and potential complications of not having it.
In some situations there are special rules for informed consent. For example, if you are severely hurt and it is an emergency, you may not be able to give consent. Children or people who cannot legally make their own decisions cannot give consent for themselves. Each state has laws about informed consent, especially for children and people who are mentally or physically unable to give consent.
Being informed is very important for a trusting and successful relationship with your healthcare provider. Be sure to ask all of the questions that you may have so that you fully understand your condition and treatment choices. This will help you play an active role in your healthcare.