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Iron Overload Disease (Hemochromatosis)

What is iron overload disease?

Iron overload disease is a disease that causes iron to build up throughout the body. The buildup of iron can damage or destroy organs. If the disease is found early, it can be treated and the damage can be prevented.

The liver, heart, pancreas, and hormone levels are most affected by the slow buildup of iron in the body.

  • Liver cells become scarred. The liver helps you digest food and use medicines. It also helps the body get rid of poisons and waste products. Damage to the liver makes it hard for your liver to do these things. Scarring of the liver is called cirrhosis.
  • Your heart muscle can be damaged. This can cause heart problems, including heart failure.
  • The pancreas, which makes insulin, may get damaged. The pancreas may not make enough insulin. When you don’t have enough insulin, the level of sugar in your blood rises and you may become diabetic.
  • Changes in your hormones can cause tiredness, infertility, and erectile dysfunction (trouble having and keeping an erection).

About 3 of every 1,000 people in the US have iron overload disease. It is more common in people of English, French, Swedish, or Portuguese descent. Men are more likely to have symptoms at a younger age than women. They usually start having symptoms between 30 and 50 years of age. Women often don’t start having symptoms until menopause. Before menopause women are protected somewhat from the disease because they lose iron when they have periods and during childbirth.

How does it occur?

Another name for iron overload disease is hemochromatosis. There are 2 types of hemochromatosis: primary and secondary.

  • Primary hemochromatosis is inherited. It is caused by a defect in the genes that control how much iron you absorb from food.
  • Secondary hemochromatosis usually is the result of another disease or condition that causes iron overload.

If you inherited the gene that causes primary hemochromatosis from both of your parents, it is likely you will have the disease. It means that you have 2 faulty genes—one from each parent. The faulty genes cause your body to absorb more iron than usual from the foods you eat. If you inherited the faulty gene from just 1 of your parents, you are a carrier but usually you will not have the disease. Being a carrier means that you can pass the defective gene to your children.

Secondary hemochromatosis is not a genetic problem. It tends to occur in people who have frequent blood transfusions to treat certain kinds of anemia. It can also sometimes happen if you take too many iron supplements.

What are the symptoms?

You may not have any symptoms for years. Symptoms usually start in middle age. They include:

  • tiredness (the most common symptom)
  • arthritis (joint pains, especially in the fingers, hips, and knees)
  • a change in your skin color to gray or brown
  • times when you have a rapid heart rate
  • problems having or keeping an erection
  • irregular or no menstrual periods
  • trouble getting pregnant
  • symptoms of diabetes, such as being very thirsty and urinating a lot
  • symptoms of liver problems, such as nausea, loss of appetite, swelling of the belly, stomach pain, and vomiting of blood.

How is it diagnosed?

Iron overload disease can be diagnosed from blood tests. These tests can find the problem before symptoms appear.

If you don’t have any symptoms or family history of the disease, it is usually discovered from blood tests done for some other reason. When these blood tests show signs of liver damage or too much iron, specific blood tests for Iron overload disease can be done. If these blood tests show that you have Iron overload disease, you may have a liver biopsy. When you have a liver biopsy your healthcare provider numbs the skin over the area of the liver (by the lower right rib cage). Your provider then puts a hollow needle through your skin and into your liver. The needle is used to remove a tiny amount of liver tissue. The tissue is examined for signs of too much iron and liver damage.

How is it treated?

The treatment is very simple: excess iron is removed from your body by removing blood. When your level of iron is high, you may need to have a pint of blood removed once or twice a week until your iron level is normal. Your blood is taken the same way it is when you donate blood.

You may need to have blood removed every week for several months. Your iron levels will be checked with blood tests. The tests will determine if, when, and how much blood needs to be taken. When your iron levels are back to normal, you will probably need to repeat the treatment every 2 to 4 months to keep normal levels.

If your liver or other organs are damaged and causing problems, these problems will also be treated. You may need to take medicine for problems such as:

  • diabetes
  • thyroid problems
  • erectile dysfunction
  • heart disease.

Joint pain can be treated with anti-inflammatory medicines.

If your liver has started scarring and the Iron overload disease isn’t treated, it may progress to serious liver disease and liver failure. A liver transplant may be the only option in this case.

An important part of treatment is to avoid drinking alcohol and avoid taking medicines that can worsen liver damage. It is also important to avoid iron and vitamin C supplements, both of which are in many preparations of multiple vitamins. You need to avoid vitamin C because it helps your body absorb more iron.

How long do the effects last?

If you do not have any symptoms of Iron overload disease, you will have regular checks of your iron levels so blood can be removed when your levels get too high. This will prevent symptoms and organ damage.

Once you start having symptoms, you may keep having symptoms even with treatment. This means you may need to continue treatment for heart, thyroid, liver, erectile dysfunction, and joint problems. This depends on how much damage was done before you started treatment. Treatment usually stops organ damage from getting worse. In some cases it may even reverse some damage.

How can I help prevent Iron overload disease?

With early diagnosis and treatment, the damage caused by Iron overload disease can be prevented. If you have a family history of Iron overload disease, you should have tests to see if you have the disease or if your iron levels are getting too high. This will prevent organ damage.

Developed by RelayHealth.
Adult Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2011-06-28
Last reviewed: 2011-06-02
This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
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