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Lumbar Stenosis

What is lumbar stenosis?

Lumbar stenosis is a narrowing in the lower part of the spinal canal. The spinal canal is the hollow space in the bones (vertebra) that surrounds the spinal cord. Lumbar means the lower part of the back. Stenosis is the medical term for narrowing. Stenosis can also happen in the neck or upper back area.

How does lumbar stenosis occur?

The most common cause of lumbar stenosis is degenerative arthritis. Degenerative arthritis of the vertebrae causes the joints and ligaments of the spine to get bigger, making the area for the spinal cord smaller. This increase in size puts more pressure on the nerves that branch off the spinal cord.

A mass or tumor can also cause the narrowing of the space in the spinal canal. A baby can also be born with lumbar stenosis.

What are the symptoms?

Common symptoms include:

  • back pain
  • pain in one or both legs
  • numbness or tingling in the legs or feet
  • weakness in the legs
  • pain with standing or walking

Severe symptoms are:

  • problems with walking or balance
  • problems with bladder control
  • problems with bowel control

How is it diagnosed?

The diagnosis is made by a healthcare provider. A careful history and detailed physical exam are important to making the diagnosis. X-rays of the lumbar spine may show degenerative changes in this area. Sometimes an MRI or CT scan is needed to confirm the diagnosis.

What is the treatment?

Depending on the severity of the lumbar stenosis, there are different treatment options. Sleeping on a firmer mattress may help lessen back pain. Physical therapy is one of the first options for treatment. This can help strengthen the muscles of the lower back. Try sleeping on a firmer mattress to reduce back pain. Medicine may be used to help decrease the pain and inflammation. The next step is often having a steroid injection into your back to decrease the pain and inflammation.

Most people do not need surgery. However, if physical therapy, medicine, and steroid injections are not helpful, then surgery may be an option. The most common surgery is called a lumbar laminectomy. The surgery removes what is causing the stenosis, such as enlarged ligaments and joint tissue that is pressing on the nerves.

How long will the symptoms of lumbar stenosis last?

The symptoms may last for weeks or years. If you did not have surgery you can return to your job or activities once you are pain free, have full range of motion of your back, and your strength is fully recovered. If you have surgery, your surgeon and physical therapist will guide your recovery. Recovery from surgery usually takes several months at least. As far as strenuous activities, like exercise, you need to receive permission from your healthcare provider or physical therapist.

How can I prevent developing lumbar stenosis?

To decrease your risk of having lumbar stenosis that is caused by degenerative arthritis, you can:

  • Keep your weight under control, since extra body fat places an extra load on the joints in your back.
  • Exercise the muscles in your lower back. This will keep the muscles in your back strong which takes some of the pressure off the joints in your back.
  • Exercise your glutes and abdominal muscles as well. These muscles help stabilize your core and take stress off your lumbar vertebrae.

Written by Lee Mancini, MD., CSCS.
Adult Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2011-05-31
Last reviewed: 2011-05-31
This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
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