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Measuring Body Fat

What is body fat?

Your total body weight is made up of lean weight and body fat. Lean weight is the muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and water in the body. Body fat is the fat stored in the fat cells and the organs of the body.

How much body fat should I have?

For good health, it’s important to have a high amount of lean weight compared to fat weight. The muscle part of lean weight produces work and burns food calories. When you have too much body fat, the extra fat acts as excess baggage for the body and can be a health risk. People with too much body fat, especially around the waist, are at a higher risk of heart disease and other health problems. Exercise and proper nutrition can help lower the fat content of the body.

It can also be a health risk if your body fat is too low. When it is too low, you may be at risk for nutritional deficiencies, illness, fractures, and reproductive problems.

The percentage of body weight that is normal depends on your age, gender, fitness level, and sport. Young adults typically have a lower normal body fat percentage than older adults. The fat percentage for women is normally higher than men because of breast tissue and a larger layer of fat under the skin. Athletes have lower percentages of body fat compared to the average man or woman because they have more lean body weight, or muscle mass. Athletes also burn more fat calories for energy and store less fat in their fat cells. The amount of body fat athletes have can vary by sport. For example, football players may have a higher percentage of body fat than long distance runners.

Ask your healthcare provider what a normal percentage of body fat is for your age, gender, and fitness level.

How is body fat measured?

The most accurate way to measure body fat is a DEXA scan, which uses X-rays to measure body fat. A DEXA measurement can be higher than some other measurements because it includes fat that is inside your abdomen. Another accurate way to measure body fat is to be weighed underwater. These methods are expensive and may not be possible to use regularly to check body fat.

The most practical way to measure body fat is a skinfold measurement. This is done using special calipers. Calipers are used to pinch your skin in certain parts of your body, such as your waist. It can measure how much fat you have under your skin. Skinfold measurements must be done by an experienced person to be accurate. Certified fitness instructors at gyms or health clubs can do these measurements.

Other ways to measure body fat are not as accurate. Some providers use formulas that measure the circumference of arms, legs, hips, waist or neck. These measurements are not as accurate as the skinfold test. Circumference measurements are not sensitive to normal changes that take place in the lean and fat parts of your body. For example, if you do not exercise for several months, the fat in your leg may increase and the lean muscle decrease without any change in the size of your leg.

Another method used by some health clubs is called bioelectric impedance. This method measures your body's resistance to a small electrical current. The problem with this method is that it is sensitive to the water content in your body. Because your body's water content may change a lot, the measurements are not always accurate.

Call your local recreation center, health club, or gym for more information about getting your body fat measured.

Developed by RelayHealth.
Adult Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2012-01-29
Last reviewed: 2012-01-02
This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
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