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Oxygen Treatment at Home

Why do I need to use oxygen?

If you have a chronic lung disease, your healthcare provider may prescribe oxygen. Examples of chronic lung diseases are emphysema, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, and heart failure.

Oxygen therapy can help you:

  • Breathe better.
  • Sleep better at night.
  • Feel better.
  • Be more alert during the day.
  • Do more exercise and walk farther.
  • Lead a more normal life.

Oxygen at very high levels over a long time can be dangerous. This is why you need a prescription from your healthcare provider. The prescription will spell out how much oxygen you need per minute (flow rate) and when you need to use oxygen. Some people need oxygen therapy only when they exercise or while they sleep. Others need to use oxygen all of the time. Your healthcare provider will measure the level of oxygen in your blood to see how much oxygen you need.

How can I get oxygen?

There are 3 ways to get oxygen at home:

  • Tanks of compressed gas. Oxygen gas can be stored under pressure in large, heavy tanks or small, portable tanks. The large tanks are kept at home, while the small tanks can be carried with you.
  • Tanks of liquid oxygen. Oxygen can be stored in tanks as a very cold liquid. The liquid changes to a gas when it is released from the tank. Liquid oxygen is more expensive than compressed gas, but it takes up less space and is easy to transfer to portable tanks.
  • Oxygen concentrator. This is an electric device that gets oxygen from the air and concentrates it. It costs less than liquid oxygen, but you should have a tank of oxygen as a backup in case of a power failure.

You breathe oxygen from a tank or concentrator in 1 of 3 ways:

  • A nasal cannula is soft, plastic tubing that runs from your nose, over your ears, and down your back to the tank or machine supplying the oxygen, Two thin prongs fit just inside your nostrils.
  • A mask that fits over your nose and mouth may work best if you need a high flow of oxygen.
  • Transtracheal oxygen therapy requires the insertion of a small flexible catheter in your trachea (windpipe). The catheter is held in place by a necklace. A humidifier is usually needed with transtracheal oxygen.

What special precautions do I need to take?

Pure oxygen is a fire hazard. Keep a fire extinguisher close by, and let your fire department know that you have oxygen in your home. Oxygen makes any fire burn faster and hotter. Keep flammable items away from the oxygen supply, such as:

  • alcohol
  • aerosol sprays
  • cleaning fluid, paint thinner, or other solvents
  • perfumes
  • petroleum products, such as gasoline or oil

Keep oxygen at least 5 feet away from sources of flames, sparks, or high heat. Examples include:

  • cigarettes
  • gas stoves and heaters
  • candles
  • lighted fireplaces

Never smoke while you are using oxygen. Warn visitors not to smoke near you when you are using oxygen.

Keep your oxygen tubing away from hot things that could melt it. The highest safe temperature for the oxygen tank and accessories is 125°F (52°C).

If you need tanks of oxygen at home, a technician will help you set up your system. Always follow instructions for attaching the regulator. The tanks should be secured so that they do not fall over. Carefully seal them whenever they are not in use. The company that supplies your home oxygen will help you with a setup and delivery schedule for bringing replacement tanks to your home.

If you use a concentrator, tell your electric company so you will be given priority for repairs if there is a power failure. Clean the air filter on the concentrator at least once a week.

What else do I need to know if I am using oxygen at home?

  • Wash cannulas or masks once or twice a week. Use liquid soap and rinse thoroughly. Change to a new cannula or mask every 2 to 4 weeks.
  • If you are using a transtracheal catheter, check with your healthcare provider to learn how to clean your catheter and humidifier bottle.
  • Oxygen therapy dries the inside of your nose and mouth. Use water-based lubricants such as K-Y Jelly on your lips or in your nose. Do not use an oil-based product, such as petroleum jelly.
  • Make sure you have good dental and gum care.
  • Tuck some gauze under the tubing to keep your cheeks or the skin behind your ears from getting irritated.
  • Don’t drink alcohol. It may slow your breathing rate. It may also cause you to forget to follow the rules for being safe with oxygen.
  • Make sure your healthcare provider knows all of the medicines and supplements you are taking.
  • Don’t change the flow of oxygen without your healthcare provider's approval. Too much oxygen can cause you to breathe too slowly. You may become more short of breath. Talk with your provider if you think your oxygen level needs to be adjusted.
  • You can travel with oxygen, but you will need a special small tank. Talk with your provider about your options. If you plan to travel by air, call the airline ahead of time to find out what their policies are. Many airlines don’t allow you to get on board with your own oxygen equipment. If your lung disease is severe, your healthcare provider may advise you not to fly.
  • Call your healthcare provider if:
    • You have a lot of headaches.
    • You feel more nervous than usual.
    • Your lips or fingernails are blue.
    • You have unusual drowsiness or confusion.
    • Your breathing is slow, shallow, difficult, or irregular.
  • Call your healthcare provider or your oxygen supplier if you have any questions about oxygen safety.

Developed by RelayHealth.
Adult Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2011-08-11
Last reviewed: 2011-06-21
This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
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