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Parenting Teens: Resource List

Books for Adults

  • "But I'm Almost 13!" An Action Plan for Raising a Responsible Adolescent; by Kenneth Ginsburg; Contemporary Books, 2002
  • Get Out of My Life, But First Could You Take Me and Cheryl to the Mall?; rev ed; by Anthony Wolf, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2002
  • Getting to Calm; Cool-Headed Strategies for Parenting Tweens and Teens; by Laura Kastner; Parent Map, 2009
  • How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen so Teens Will Talk; revised ed; by Adele Faber; HarperCollins, 2005
  • I'm Not Mad, I Just Hate You! A New Understanding of Mother-Daughter Conflict; by Roni Cohen-Sandler; Penguin, 2000
  • Launching Years: Smart Parenting During Senior Year to College Life; by Laura Kastner; Three Rivers Press, 2002
  • Launching Your Teen Into Adulthood: Parenting Through the Transition; by Patricia Hoolihan; Search Institute Press, 2009
  • Mom, I Hate My Life! Becoming Your Daughter's Ally Through the Emotional Ups and Downs of Adolescence; by Sharon Hersh, 2004
  • Parenting Teens With Love & Logic; by Foster Cline; Pinon Press, 2006
  • Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and Other Realities of Adolescence; by Rosalind Wiseman; Crown, 2002
  • Stop Negotiating With Your Teen: Strategies for Parenting Your Angry, Manipulative, Moody, or Depressed Adolescent; by Janet Edgette; Perigee, 2002
  • The Good Teen: Rescuing Adolescence from the Myths of the Storm and Stress Years; by Richar Lerner; Stonesong Press, 2007
  • Uncommon Sense For Parents With Teenagers; by Michael Riera; Celestial Arts, 2004
  • Why Do They Act That Way? A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain for You and Your Teen; by David Walsh; Free Press, 2005
  • Yes Your Teen is Crazy! Loving Your Kid Without Losing Your Mind; by Michael Bradley; Harbor Press, 2002

Other Resources

Search Institute
Telephone: 800-888-7828

National Parent Information Network
Telephone: 800-583-4135

Compiled by Catherine Smith, MLS, medical librarian at the Family Health Library, The Children's Hospital, Denver, CO.
Pediatric Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2010-06-04
Last reviewed: 2010-06-04
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