It is possible for any plant to make a child sick, even if the plant is not poisonous. If your child eats a plant and you have any questions, call your regional poison control center.
Some household and many garden plants can poison your child if he or she eats them. Keep poisonous plants out of reach until your child is old enough to understand not to eat them.
It's a good idea to check with the nursery before buying plants to find out if they might be poisonous. Also keep an eye on children while hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities. Some plants are common in certain areas. Get to know the poisonous plants found in your area.
Potentially poisonous plants include:
angel's trumpet four o'clock philodendron apple tree foxglove poinsettia autumn crocus golden chain poison hemlock baneberry horse chestnut poison ivy belladonna lilly tree poison oak black locust hyacinth pokeweed bleeding heart hydrangea potato (eyes, bloodroot inkberry stems, spoiled buttercups iris parts) caladium jack-in-the-pulpit privet castor bean lady's slipper rhododendron cherry tree lantana rhubarb chinaberry tree larkspur rosary pea Christmas rose lilly of the skunk cabbage cowslip valley snake root daffodil lupine sneezeweed daphne mayapple snow-on-the- deadly amanita milkweed mountain death camas mistletoe snowdrop dieffenbachia monkshood sourdock elderberry moonseed sweetpea elephant's ear morning glory sumac English holly mountain laurel tobacco English ivy narcissus tomato (leaves) false hellebore nettle water hemlock fig tree nightshade wisteria fly agaric oleander yellow jasmine mushroom peach tree yew