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Radiation Therapy Plan

What is radiation therapy simulation?

If you going to have radiation therapy to treat cancer or other types of abnormal cells, you will probably have a radiation therapy simulation before your first treatment. A simulation session is a meeting between you, the radiation oncologist, and other members of the radiation team. You and the radiation team will plan where and how to use the radiation to destroy the abnormal cells.

When is it used?

Radiation therapy simulation is done before your first radiation treatment. Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation (X-rays) to kill cancer cells and shrink or destroy tumors. It can help cure cancer. In some cases it helps you feel better by making the tumor smaller.

Instead of or in addition to radiation therapy, other treatments may include:

  • chemotherapy (using medicine to destroy the cancer)
  • surgery to remove the cancer

You may choose not to have treatment. Ask your healthcare provider about your choices for treatment and the risks.

How do I prepare for the simulation?

  • You may have a CT scan or PET scan before the session to find the exact size and location of the cancer.
  • Follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider.
  • Ask any questions you have before the procedure. You should understand what your healthcare provider is going to do.

What happens during the simulation?

During the session you will meet your treatment team, will see the equipment they use, and can ask questions.

You will lie on a special type of X-ray table. The radiation technician:

  • Will use ink to mark the area on your body to be treated. He or she may also use a low-energy laser to mark the area. (You will not feel any burning or pain from the laser.)
  • Will record measurements using prominent bones, such as your hipbone or ribs, as reference points.
  • Will take several X-rays to be sure the radiation treatment will be aimed where it will work best.

The treatment team may need to make shields or devices to focus the radiation on your tumor. The shields are attached to the radiation machine. They will help protect healthy parts of your body from radiation.

This practice session is a good time for you to ask questions about the side effects of the planned radiation therapy. You can find out what to expect. You should ask:

  • How long will each radiation treatment last? How often will I have treatments? How many weeks will I have treatments?
  • What side effects might I have? When do they usually start?
  • Will I feel well enough after treatments to drive myself home?
  • What should I expect if I am having chemotherapy or surgery, or both, together with radiation therapy?
  • What do I need to do to prepare for these treatments?
  • Will I be able to keep working or keep taking care of my children?
  • Are there recommendations for my diet?
  • Will I need extra rest?
  • Do I need to take precautions to avoid infections from others (such as a cold)?
  • How soon will I know if the treatments are working?
  • What should I expect after the treatments are over?
  • What should I expect if I choose not to have this treatment?

What happens after the simulation?

After the session you may go home. Don’t wash off the ink marks. The therapist will need them for the radiation sessions.

Soon after the radiation simulation, you will begin your radiation treatments.

After your last session, the therapist will wipe the ink marks off your body.

What are the risks of this procedure?

Your healthcare provider will explain the risks of radiation therapy. Ask your provider how the risks apply to you. Be sure to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have.

Developed by RelayHealth.
Adult Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2012-01-10
Last reviewed: 2011-10-09
This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
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