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Testicular Cancer

Thumbnail image of: Male Pelvis: Illustration

What is testicular cancer?

Testicular cancer is a growth of abnormal cells in a testicle. Growths of cancer cells are called tumors.

The testicles are part of the male reproductive system. They make sperm and the male hormone testosterone. They are in the scrotum, which is the sac of loose skin below the penis.

What is the cause?

The cause of testicular cancer is not known. However, some things do seem to increase your risk, such as:

  • a testicle that did not move from inside the belly down into the scrotum before birth (undescended testicle) even if it was later corrected surgically
  • a history of cancer in one of the testicles
  • a family history of testicular cancer, especially brothers and less so with fathers or sons
  • abnormal development of the testicles, penis, or kidneys.
  • HIV infection

Testicular cancer is most common in men between the ages of 15 and 35. It is unusual after the age of 40 and in African-Americans and Hispanics.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of testicular cancer may include:

  • a painless lump or swelling in a testicle
  • pain or discomfort in a testicle or the scrotum
  • a testicle that has gotten bigger or a change in the way it feels
  • a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
  • a dull ache in the lower belly or back

Many of these symptoms can be caused by problems other than cancer.

How is it diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider will ask about your medical history and examine you. You may have:

  • blood tests
  • ultrasound scan, which uses sound waves and their echoes passed through your body from a small device held against your skin to create pictures of the testicles

How is it treated?

You will have surgery to remove the testicle through a cut in the groin. Other treatments may include:

  • chemotherapy, which uses anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells
  • radiation therapy, which uses high doses of radiation to shrink the tumor and kill cancer cells

Ask your healthcare provider about your ability to have children after treatment. After some treatments you may be sterile for a while or possibly for the rest of your life. Your provider may recommend that you put some sperm in a sperm bank before you start treatment. The sperm might then be used later on if you want to have children.

Most cases of testicular cancer can be cured. The earlier the cancer is found, the more likely the treatment will be successful. However, testicular cancer, like all cancers, can come back (recur) somewhere else in the body. Regular exams after treatment are important. Your healthcare provider will recommend frequent checkups that include blood tests and CT scans. (A CT scan is a series of X-rays taken from different angles and arranged by a computer to show thin cross sections of the body.)

How can I take care of myself?

  • Follow the full course of treatment prescribed by your healthcare provider.
  • Eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise and rest.
  • Know that having the cancer adds a lot of stress to your life. Take more time for your important relationships and for rest. Spend time with people and activities you enjoy.
  • Talk with your family and your healthcare providers about your concerns. Ask your healthcare provider any questions you have about the disease, treatments, side effects of the treatments, sexuality, support groups, and anything else that concerns you.
  • Find a counselor to help you deal with hard issues.
  • For more information on cancer, contact national and local organizations such as:
    • American Cancer Society, Inc.
      Phone: 800-ACS-2345 (800-227-2345)
      Web site:
    • National Cancer Institute
      Phone: 1-800-4CANCER, or 1-800-422-6237 (TTY: 1-800-332-8615)
      Web site:

How can I help prevent testicular cancer?

Because the cause of testicular cancer is not known, doctors don’t know how to prevent it. Researchers are studying possible methods of prevention, such as diet, supplements, and drugs.

Developed by RelayHealth.
Adult Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2012-01-31
Last reviewed: 2011-11-21
This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
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