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Toy Safety: Children (6 to 9 Years)

Not all toy hazards can be detected, nor can any toy be completely safe for all children at all times. The unique combination of child, toy, and the way the child uses the toy determines the safety risk. The best safety features of any toy include matching the toy to the child's age and abilities. Adult supervision is important. Although toy companies try to make their toys as safe as possible, it is up to you to make sure your child's play is safe.

Accidents are most likely to occur when:

  • The toy is too large or complicated for your child.
  • There is no responsible adult supervising the child.
  • The toy is misused, damaged, or cheaply constructed.
  • A younger sibling or playmate plays with the toy.

Toy Safety Checklist

  • The toy is not too heavy for your child's strength.
  • The toy is well-constructed. (A poorly made toy can break or come apart, easily exposing hazards like wires or springs.)
  • The toy does not have sharp edges that can cut or scratch.
  • There are no pointed objects your child can fall on.
  • All moving parts are securely attached.
  • A broken toy is repaired or thrown away.
  • Indoor toys are kept indoors so they do not rust.
  • All riding toys are well-constructed and well-balanced.
  • Toys made with cloth carry the labels "flame resistant", "flame retardant", or "nonflammable".
  • An adult supervises play with electrical toys.

Make sure your child wears a fitted helmet for all bicycle and skateboard activity and for in-line skating. Provide protective knee and elbow pads and wrist guards, and make sure your child wears them. This helps to minimize in-line skating and skateboard injuries. Set clear rules for in-line skating, bicycle and skateboard riding.

Suggested Play Materials

  • sand box and sand toys
  • construction sets
  • art materials: crayons, chalk, paint, modeling clay, simple weaving materials
  • chalkboard, dry-erase board, or flannel board
  • dolls from other countries
  • small bicycle, wagon
  • jump rope
  • costume dress-up box
  • simple board games
  • paper doll sets
  • puppets (store-bought or homemade)
  • playhouse
  • puzzles
  • kite
  • globe
  • magnet
  • magnifying glass
  • lock with key
  • aquarium
  • terrarium
  • books

Written by Donna Warner Manczak, PhD, MPH.
Pediatric Advisor 2012.1 published by RelayHealth.
Last modified: 2010-08-26
Last reviewed: 2010-08-09
This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
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